Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How to get Totem 3.0.1(openSUSE 11.4,GNOME 3.0) working again after crash?

How to get Totem 3.0.1 ( openSUSE 11.4 , GNOME 3.0 ) working again after crash due to plugin?

{Crash caused due to misbehaving plug-ins like bemused}

The other day  I was fooling about with Totem's plug-ins .Suddenly Totem crashed and when I tried to start it Totem refused to start.Since it has a better and cleaner interface on GNOME 3.0, instead of switching to myriad other players I set upon fixing it.I found two solutions.

Solution one:-
==>This is an easy one.Remove Totem Plug-ins.Since it is the plug-ins that is causing the problem, the obvious solution is to UN-install the trouble maker.
==>Go to Install/Remove Software (YaST)and UN-install "totem-plugins"

==>Launch Totem and it will open up well

==>The cliché is that you will not be able to use any plug-ins

Solution Two:-
==>For unfortunate souls who crave to use  Totem plug-ins which "actually work" the following is the solution.This one is fairly straight forward too.It involves disabling all the plug-ins that get loaded when Totem starts up
==>First one must Install Dconf-Editor{Dconf is in short is a settings editor for GNOME 3.0[GSettings]} if not available.To accomplish that all one has to do is to use the software search tool in openSUSE website and finish installing the software/package by pressing a series of "Next" and "I Agree" buttons as and when they pop-up
For installation on openSUSE 11.4,GNOME 3.0 one can use the following URL and then click on one-click link as shown below openSUSE Software Search

==>After installation of Dconf-Editor one can start it by pressing the key combination "Alt+F2" and bring up the program launch window/Run Window/ command prompt or what ever name the tool.Then one must key in the magic words "open SESAME/CHASAM/Abracadabra" into the program launch window.Nope these don't work :-) .Use"dconf-editor" instead.

==>When "Dconf-Editor" opens up then one needs to navigate the tree on the left pane of the tool to a setting called org==>gnome==>totem.After reaching Totem node in the tool when one glances into the pane on the right hand side of the the can see all the plug-ins(Active plug-ins list) loaded by Totem when it starts up.One can either double click on the list and edit it or hit "Set To Default" button on the right hand side bottom of the tool.After you have done editing the list close the tool.

Before Totem Plug-in list Reset

After Totem Plug-in list Reset

==>Launch Totem and it will open up well.If it does not start up edit the plug-in list again in the Dconf-Editor

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

How To Add & Remove Application from Favourites in GNOME 3.0[Pictorial]

Add Application To Favourites
 To to to GNOME application menu move your mouse to the top left hand side corner of your desktop onto "Activities" label.To add an application to the favourites bar click on Applications "tab" at the top and then right-click on your favourite application and then click on "Add to Favourites" menu
Application Added To Favourites
 After adding to Favourites you can easily locate your application on favourites menu.Your can then drag the icons  in the favourites menu/bar  to re-arrange the order of your favourite applications

Remove Application From Favourites
To remove an application  from favourites bar you can right - click on the required application and remove it from the favourites menu/bar.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Launch Java Jar file or package in GNOME 3.x/openSUSE 11.4/Linux/Unix

I was tired of running java jar files from gnome-terminal.I thought of a work around which i use in windows which involves running the "jar" using a ".bat" file

Step 1:-
I create a new file with extension ".sh"(Shell Script)
Step 2:-
I type in the command "java -jar <filename>.jar"
Step 3:-
I change the permission of ".sh" file and make it an executable
It can be done through terminal by executing "sudo chmod 777 <filename>.sh" (Or)
By right clicking on the ".sh" file and clicking on "properties" and changing the permissions and making the file an executable in Permissions tab
Step 4:-
You can double click on the ".sh" file now and run the required jar.
you must place the jar in the same folder as jar ,else you may need to specify folder path before "jar" name in the ".sh" file.You can edit the ".sh" file using "gedit" and change the jar file name as you please and run various jar files.

If you want to keep the window open after jar execution to read  output from the execution of the jar then add a line {read -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue"} after the "jar" command and after double clicking the ".sh" file click on  "Run in terminal" as demonstrated below