
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Get Weather Updates On Gnome 3.2.1 openSUSE 12.1

Get Weather Updates On Gnome 3.2.1 openSUSE 12.1

 Everyone would like to have an applet or widget on our panel to indicate the that day's weather conditions.What we need is the shell extension gnome-shell-extension-weather - Weather forecast GNOME Shell Extension.The tool I am using gives all sorts or weather related info like temperature , humidity etc:

Download / Get The Package or rpm:-
Since it is still early days for openSUSE 12.1 there is no rpm or software package available in the openSUSE repositories for this extension.Since I am impatient I am getting it from a third party repo.Since it is a noarch rpm I am picking a fedora rpm.Link for rpm download is this
Get the binary after selecting the mirror from that site.The binary / rpm / package should resemble this name:-

Install The Package or rpm:-
After downloading the rpm

Zypper way
==>Open the terminal
==>Navigate to the directory of the download using cd <space><dirname>
==> Execute the command :-
"sudo zypper in gnome-shell-extension-weather-0.0.0-0.3.14203f05git.fc16.R.noarch.rpm"
Note:- You may need to enter admin passcode when prompted

If you you are no too comfortable with command mode and you want  to use a GUI or user interface for installation then you need to look for "YaST/GUI way" of installing the rpms under subtitle Installation here

Setting Up / Configuring and Activating the weather Applet :-

==>You need to find the "Where On Earth Code" first for you city or town.
To get your woeid you need to search for the weather update at and then copy / extract the code from address address bar of your browser.The following image shows how to do it for a particular city
Alternatively you can also get woeid here
==>Then open "weather-extension-configurator" . You can find the extension configuration tool in Activities(press left Windows key in keyboard) , sub-menu Applications .You can launch it using quick launch window or "Run Application" dialogue of GNOME and then type in "weather-extension-configurator" and hitting return or enter key . In the configuration tool  you can plugin your WOEID of your city you found using above step an configure whether you want temperature display in  metric system (degree Celsius) or degree Fahrenheit.
==>Then activate the extension using "gnome-tweak-tool" or "Advanced Settings". The tweak tool can be launched using command "gnome-tweak-tool" in "Run Application" dialogue or the tool can be launched using Applications menu and the name would be "Advanced Settings". The tweak tool snapshot is shown below.

Image showing weather extension,extension configuration tool and gnome tweak tool.

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Things to do after moving to openSUSE 12.1 (Asparagus)


  1. i have done everything you said but on the gnome tweak tool nothing comes up under shell extensions except for alternative status menu extension.

  2. @Anonymous
    try reinstalling the weather extension rpm

  3. @Anonymous
    You may even try restarting gnome shell by typing in r and hitting return key in quick launch window which can be accessed through Alt+F2

  4.  glad you liked it
