After installing E17 on openSUSE as described in the articles written earlier we can install some useful packages like weather forecast module,themes, mines game, shellmentary (zenity like pop ups ) etc...
sudo - use command as super user
zypper- package manager
in - parameter to indicate install
Using YaST
After invoking YaST installer you can easily select the repositories drop down and select the E17 repository and select and install the relevant modules by right clicking and install them as shown below.
Configure Weather Forecast Gadget on E17 / openSUSE 12.2
Enable Forecasts Module
You need to first open the main menu and navigate to Settings and then Modules menu. In the "Module Settings" you can select "Forecasts" module and press the "Load" button to activate this module.
Add Forecasts Gadget to Shelf
You can right click on the standard E17 dock or "Shelf" and then open "Contents" submenu . In the "Shelf Contents" window you can select "Forecasts" gadget and click on "Add Gadget" button to add the Gadget to the Shelf.
Configure Forecasts Gadget
To change "Forecasts" settings like city ,Units(Celsius, Fahrenheit) etc you can can right click on the Gadget or Widget and then choose Settings submenu. To get the Forecasts code you need to go to and get the weather codes for your city.You can use this code in the "Forecasts" gadget.
Getting Weather codes from
Changing Forecasts settings
E17 developing its own set applications
E17 developing its own set applications to become a full fledged DE and reduce reliance on applications from from other DEs.The following screenshot shown a game called elemines which is based on Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) , Terminology which is a cool terminal emulator for E17, E17's own built in file manager, Shotgun which is a XMPP (jabber) client using EFL libraries. I could easily connect with my gtalk contacts using shotgun.
Screenshot showing Elemines, Terminology, Shotgun and E17 file manager
Enable Shelf Auto Hide
Shelf which is the default dock on E17 can be set to "auto hide" state by right clicking on Shelf and choosing "Shelf==>Settings" and then selecting the "Auto -hide" option and then applying the settings.
Shellementary is an EFL based GUI application similar to zenity/kdialog and can provide GUI to shell scripts. I have tried to provide an information type of pop up using shellementary from terminology using the command shellementary --info --text 'e17 Rocks!'
More E17 Themes
In "Changing backgrounds and themes in E17 openSUSE 12.2" i have dealt about downloading , installing and changing themes for E17 from 3rd party sites. But now openSUSE does offer many themes in its repos. If you had installed the packages as described earlier in the article you should be able to see many themes on your E17 desktop. All E17 themes packages in openSUSE repositories are named as "e-theme-*". It is very easy to find them in YaST. I have posted some theme screenshots below.
Detour, theme for Enlightenment 17.
Green, theme for Enlightenment 17.
OS Miguel theme
OS Vision,Beige theme for Enlightenment 17
Theme darkness for Enlightenment 17
Theme efenniht for Enlightenment 17( incorporates cool wobble effects)
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