
Saturday, 10 September 2011


Various Thoughts that flood Mind Before An Impending  "Hair Cut"

  • Is it today  ?
  • Is today the D-day ?
  • Is today "The Day" .
  • Is today an inauspicious { Indian traditions dictate that people don't cut hair on certain days of the week } day for an hair cut ?
  • Is it a week day or a week end("fount of wisdom"  tells me that weekends at the barber shop would be busier than weekends}?
  • Should I wait for one more day till the facial sprouts of hair are a little longer so that I can have a "shave" along with the "cut" at the saloon as it will save a few bucks?
  • Is my hair really long enough as to justify such a wasteful expenditure?
  • Will the hair grow back after it gets cut since I am growing no younger?
  • Should I try out a fancy cut or go for a cheaper "Military Cut" a la "kuruthipunal" style?
  • Should I take my bike to the saloon or "go green" by using my cycle for short commutes?
  • Should skip hair cut and grow it longer and tie it t the back to get a funcky look?
  • Cutting my hair will at the least keep my head cool,whereas the more hair the more number of washes it requires per week!!!
  • Hey it is not so bad after all !!!It is far less torturous than a visit to dentist who peeps into your mouth and you must try hard not to bite off his big nose :-)

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