
Monday, 8 August 2011

GNOME 3.X, openSUSE 11.4 experience

GNOME 3.0, openSUSE 11.4 experience has been
==>Mouse gesture to switch between windows is really cool and likeable feature
==>Feel that more themes which work  out of box which can be installed through YAST is the "need of the hour"
==>Workspaces have no much use for me anyway ,hence major changes in workspaces handling between GNOME 2.x and GNOME 3.X did not matter much for an average user like myself
==>The default mapping of Windows switching and application launching to windows key in keyboard is much appreciated
==>Hope to see more flexibility in manipulating the top panel default menus like easy way of removing "universal Access settings" which most users don't really need
==>Really appreciate people who brought in "gnome shell extensions" as it involves no more searching for shutdown menu.
==>Really looking forward for more features in "System Settings" and "Tweak Advanced Settings"
==>Eagerly awaiting next release of openSUSE in September when better integration with GNOM3.X is hoped for atleast by me.

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